Hi, I’m Kathy and one of the founders of SA. I have had an interest in all things paranormal since very early childhood. As a child I ALWAYS thought that ghosts were an integral and natural part of the world we live in. It never crossed my mind that we DIED; death is a natural transition from our mortal existence into the world of spirit.

I was part of another paranormal group for over 2 ½ years, which is where Gill and I met. Unfortunately some members were experiencing personal problems which affected the running of the group and its activities. At this point Gill and myself decided to form a local group in our area where we could bring like minded, professional people together who share a common interest in the paranormal.

I am VERY proud to say I have an excellent team.

Apart from being one of the founders of SA I am responsible for shooting, editing and compiling all our video footage, photography, web and graphic design and client DVD production (when appropriate). I also organise investigation sites and liaise with clients.

I just hate that term ‘ghost hunter’ it is so disrespectful but most people view people like I as such. I am, as are the members of our team, ‘analysts’ of the paranormal, we analyse the scientific data which is REAL evidence, not hear say. Lets face it anyone can tell a good story.
As the First World War resurrected the search for the afterlife, the Living TV programme, Most Haunted has done the same for paranormal investigating. It has starting the ball rolling for hundreds of people and groups, and wet the appetites of those of us (myself included) to the possibilities that we CAN go out and do paranormal investigations ourselves. But undoubtedly the one real reason is to try and answered that BIG question…. Do we pass on to another level, space, dimension when we die OR are it simply, once you’re dead, and you’re dead? Know one had managed to answer that question yet.

To say we share this world alone is just an unreal perception and a very silly one, I believe that there are far more dimensions to our world and to our universe that we can possibly comprehend. I DO believe that there are parallel universes and that it was our collision with one that caused the BIG BANG.

I also lean towards the theory that there a many levels on consciousness. How many times have you heard someone say ‘Oh, I was dreaming of my Uncle Tom so vividly last night, it was SOOOOO real, yet he died 20yrs ago’? Well maybe they WERE talking to their Uncle Tom. Maybe, JUST maybe, those people (and animals) who have died contact us through our levels of subconscious, when we are sleeping? Maybe when we drift into a light sleep, or are evendaydreaming, THAT’S when people see spirit when their level of brain activity (waves) are firing at a different speed. This explains why we don’t see spirit people all the time (ok some CLAIM they do), maybe they live in a space that moves at a faster/slower rate than ours and its only when the two slow down or speed up to the same ‘speed’ we then actualy see each other.
Yes you’re saying there is a lot of Maybes here; well let’s call them ‘possibilities’ then.

Mmmm that’s a difficult question. That’s why I have decided to delve more intensely into the science of the paranormal, and what a fascinating science it is. Everyone has a tale or two to tell, and that doesn’t exclude yours truly. Yes I have had my experiences… many in fact, and I am still having them, but trying to make rational sense out of these experiences is very hard to do indeed.

Looking back at the investigation we have done over the past few years, I think I can only say that one in particluar showed signs of real paranormal activity, and even then, I question if it could have been a set-up!

There are very few GENUINE people who claim they can talk to those who have passed on to the world of spirit. From my observation, most use cold reading techniques in various guises and ‘ham’ things up to make themselves look more dynamic. I went on a bit of a quest a few years ago. I would go and visited mediums and clairvoyants and would put their special gift to a series agonising (for them) tests. Soon the word got on the clairvoyant jungle drums as to what I was doing, and the shop door closed!

I have tried Pendulums, and Dowsing Rods, both have worked successfully. I used a pendulum to find a route to the coast on a bank holiday….. and it worked. I have used dowsing rods to find lay lines, water and many other elements…. And that worked too. Don’t believe me, well go out and try it yourself, its great fun…. . I can only go on experience, with pendulums I am afraid to say that you (or your brain / subconscious) can make the pendulum swing at will, but to put it to work on a more practical level can weed this out.

Now I DO know quite a lot on Tarot cards. Again as I said above, I can only go on experience, and I am sceptical, so, I went out and bought myself a pack, not any old pack but a pack I felt drawn to. Got myself a couple of GOOD books and off I went on my merry Taroting way. 25 years on I can say that there is something in it. Yes I agree when you go to a fortune teller there is a LOT of cold reading, but I have really studied the Tarot very hard and have come to the conclusion that it is like a separate consciousness, a presence. Maybe it’s a presence of common sense? Or intuition? I can’t say, only that if you disrespect them, you will get the same back in your reading, a little like if you disrespect a person they are not going to sit there and take it from you.. are they?

Each card can take on several meanings and so to give someone a correct reading you will obviously have to ask questions. The problem here is they are generalisations, but they can mean different interpretations to each individual. But I can clearly see why psychologist frown upon them, resipiants can be moved and directed very easily by the reader especially if they are in an emotional state of mind. Oh, one thing…. I NEVER took any money for reading Tartot cards…. Only cat food for the cat rescue centre.

NO. I feel that it is our subconscious thoughts (or someone around the table) that are moving the glass.

No contest here, has to be Denbigh Asylum.

Friday 19 September 2008

Morecambe Winter Gardens

Fabulous, incredible, just a couple of words to sum up this lovely Theatre. The atmosphere when you first walk into the stalls is quite overwhelming, but like all derelict buildings very sad, BUT thankfully its has now been saved and its future looks promising. I wont repeat the itinerary for the evening as I know Steve, Gill and Jack have already done this.

What were my impressions of the organisation who ran the event?

Initially they started well. They had an impressive DVR CCTV System with a 9 camera setup, with cameras located in strategic positions in the theater. I thought there seamed to be a lot of team members present which was quite overwhelming at times and I wondered weather this was necessary given the number of punters present? There was one visiting medium, who was quite pleasant but I can't say impressive, most of the information he gave could very easily have been obtained before hand.

The areas we investigated were excellent, especially the Gods, nose bleeds ahoy up there, and the viewing balcony that overlooked the bay was breathtaking. There were one or two incidents which may attribute to possible paranormal activity but without visual evidence was only concluded by witness testimony (including myself).

I thought the incident in the cellar was slightly provoked during the evening by continual suggestive techniques commonly used on pay per person venues. Not all people who attend these organised events are investigators like ourselves and go for many reasons... one to be frightened. What happened to Jack certainly was un-nerving, but when you have 15 people in a dark cellar being told that there is a nasty entity that's going to hurt you.... it's not difficult to see how panic and fright can set in. It has a knock- on effect.

Overall it was a smashing night but I thought the organisers could have been a little more mature in there approaches. The beverages could have been better, it does not cost much to put a nice brew and a cake on which is what you need late into the night. Let's hope what they saved on them went to the Winter Gardens fund?

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